February saw Peter heading south on his first Florida painting trip. Easel, cooler, paint box, oil paints, canvases safely tucked in carriers, sketch book, drawing pencils, brushes – and more brushes (!) — all got packed up for South Florida, along with sunscreen, hats, maps and more.
Studying the light 1000 miles away was fascinating, especially in comparison to coastal Rhode Island winter light. Some of the paintings done in Florida can be seen in an exhibit, ‘1000 Miles – Chasing the Light’, now through May 25th at The Cooked Goose (92 Watch Hill Rd., Westerly, RI.) All paintings are available for purchase. Hope you can get over and see the show! Let us know if you have any questions. Peter is often painting in the area and could possibly stop in and say hello. (By the way, The Cooked Goose has a tempting menu – everything from creative breakfast offerings to homemade soups, sandwiches and hard-to-pass-by desserts! And the atmosphere is just lovely.)